Print pro-forma invoice in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations | CloudFronts

Print pro-forma invoice in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Creating a pro forma invoice on dynamics 365 for finance and operations is a pretty straightforward task. A pro forma invoice is a crucial financial document that people use in businesses. In a nutshell, a pro forma invoice is more or less like an estimate that companies share with their client before sending them the actual invoice.

The actual amounts can change if there is a difference in the quantity of material as well as the labor before preparing the final bill. Many people struggle to locate, view, or to print this document on dynamics 365 as it can be confusing.

In this article I am going to demonstrate how to view/print  pro-forma invoice. A pro forma invoice is an invoice that is prepared as an estimate of the actual invoice amounts before the invoice is posted. You can print a pro forma invoice either for a customer invoice for a sales order or for a free text invoice.

Step 1:
Configure Print management from  Account receivable>Setup>Forms


Step 2:
Right click on Customer invoice and click New

Step 3:
Go to All sales orders, Select an order which is in Open state.



Step 4:
Go to Invoice tab and click on Pro forma Invoice



Step 5:
In Quantity select All and in Print options enable Print Invoice



Step 6:
You may click on Export to save the document or print it


Hope this helps!

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