Store Code Set up Manual Process In D365 Retail | CloudFronts

Store Code Set up Manual Process In D365 Retail


I have worked on several D365 Retail implementation projects. The largest one being for one of the clients in South Asia who was a sports goods retailer and owned several stores across the region.

Just in case any body needs introduction, Dynamics 365 for Retail provides mid-market and large retailers with a complete head office and point of sale (POS) solution that includes support for online and brick-and-mortar stores. It can help retailers increase financial returns, improve service, manage growth, reach customers, and streamline efficiencies. A lot of retailers approach us with the requirements related to the induction of Coupons in Retail stores.

It is a set up that is done to provide coupon in Retail stores. For this, I have decided to list down detailed process of the Store code set up Manual.

Store Code Set up Manual Process:

Step1: Create Barcode Mask Character for Coupon Code:

Step 2: Create a New Barcode.

Mask set up. Keep the type as Coupon.

Step 3: Create Bar Code for Coupon. Assign the Mask ID which was created in step 2.

Step 4: Create Number Sequence for Coupon Code ID and Coupon Number.

Step 5: Set the Retail Parameters for Coupon. Assign the Mask ID that was created.

Step 6:  Create a New Discount. Mention the discount Price, Products in Lines, Price group, Valid Discount Account and enable coupon code required.

Step 7: Create a new Coupon. Mention the usage limit, usage type, associate discount to the coupon, Create a new line for coupon. Activate the Coupon. The Barcode will be generated. Make a note of the Barcode.


Next, To Redeem the Store Coupon Code:

  1. Scan the product that is under Discount.
  2. Scan the Barcode or Manually inter the Barcode.
  3. The discount will be applied to the product along with the discount name.
  4. Make Payment.

This is it! Hope the above information helps! ?

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