Setup UserName authentication in Dynamics NAV | CloudFronts

Setup UserName authentication in Dynamics NAV


In this blog, we’ll see the ‘UserName’ authentication in Dynamics NAV. It is used when we want to use the existing Windows User and has a password associated with it. This method is preferred when two or more users use the same machine and require a simple password security so that only they can access their account.


Microsoft Dynamics NAV


  1. Create a User in Windows Client by going to Administration > IT Administration > General or by typing Users in Search.

  2. Create a NAV Server Instance from Administration with Credential Type as ‘UserName’.

  3. Change the ClientUserSettings ‘C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\100\ClientUserSettings ‘

    Give the Server, ClientServicesPort, Server Instance & ClientServicesCredentialType.

  4. Open the Windows Client and enter the credentials.

    Windows Client HomePage:


Thus, this method is preferred when two or more users use the same machine and require a simple password security so that only they can access their account.

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