Configure Notes on Entity in D365 Portal | CloudFronts

Configure Notes on Entity in D365 Portal


This blog explains how to configure Notes on Entity in D365 Portal.

Steps of Implementation:

Below steps explain how to configure Notes section on Partner Work Order form in D365 Partner Field Service Portal.

  1. Create new Section for Notes on Form in D365 Field Service.
  2. Save and publish the changes.
  3. Navigate to the Portal -> click on the Entity Permission -> click on the new button.
  4. Create entity permission for Work order and screenshot for reference.
    1. Set Scope to “Global”.
    2. Enable all Privileges

  5. In this record -> go to child entity permission sub grid follow below steps and screenshot for reference.
    1. Create “Note” entity permissions for Work order.
    2. Set Scope to “Parent”
    3. Parent Entity Permission as “Work Order Comments”
    4. Enable all Privileges
  6. Navigate to the Portal -> click on the Entity Forms -> Open Work Order Entity Form.
    1. Set Tab Name as “None” on Entity Form and save record.Refer the below screenshot.
    2. Add Notes in Entity Form Metadata and screenshot for reference.


Above description in blog configure Notes on Entity in D365 Portals and below is screenshot for reference.

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